Dear London,

We took this photo recently - at the time I wasn't sure where we were headed . I remember hoping and thinking if we close our eyes and open them again everything will be back to normal. Well with yesterdays news of restrictions being eased it all of sudden feels like I was doing just that opening my eyes and slowly being allowed to get back to a 'new normal'. Not going to lie I immediately felt a huge weight be lifted from my shoulders. I honestly didn't realize how heavy the weight has been.

However, as I look to return to work and the 'new normal' I can't help but have some mixed feelings.

I am so excited to return to capturing sessions again I have missed it dearly and look forward to doing something that gives me so much joy but weirdly I got a bit sad tonight thinking about the return to a life we once knew.

You and I spoke about mommy returning to work - you went quiet and I could tell you were a bit unsure. I know this transition might be tricky or difficult because of the amount of time we have gotten to spend together.

We have had alot of moments throughout the past few months - comfort me moments, yelling it out moments, talk it out moments, cry it out moments and laugh it out moments. Your emotions, daddy's emotions and my emotions have been all over the place, a rollercoaster ride of emotions - small and sweet, big & emotional, but as my friends dad used to say 'when times are tough - these could be failures, break up's, disappointments or pandemics - feel the pain, feel the disappointment, feel the emotion, it's all apart of the human experience, so be human and feel it." So that's what we have done, we have embraced all the feelings and emotions :). The good, bad and ugly

Despite some real hard times I have loved and I feel so grateful to have had this time with my little family. I've gotten used to the slowness of the day and the routines that we have created being in our home. P.J.'s have become our new school uniform :) I have loved how we have enjoyed the simple pleasures and I feel I've grown closer to both you and daddy as a result of this crazy experience. I feel we have learnt so much more about each other and I think that is pretty cool.

I do think we have a long road ahead - but know how much I have loved this time with you - I have loved our daily adventures and exploring (you just did the 3.4 KM Sasamat loop today which I was so impressed with) I have loved being your teacher and coach even though it hasn't always been easy, I love how excited you have gotten by the simple pleasures - soccer in an empty field, lots and lots of jumping on the trampoline, beachcombing, long walks, river creek dips, random dance parties, singing Alicia Keys at the top of our lungs and the list goes on. I have loved teaching you to ride your bike, and field trips from the car.

It hasn't been all rainbows but it has definitely be an experience we will never forget. I have no idea what the 'new normal' will be like but what I have learnt is that you and I got this #weareinthistogether

Love you to the moon and back kiddo,
