Wow 8 years my love. How do I sum up 8 years with you. 8 years of adventures, experiences, highs and lows. 8 years of pure joy, laughter, tears, epic meltdowns, the best cuddles and many beautiful unexpected moments. 8 years with you Miss London and I honestly couldn’t imagine my life any different.

You are constantly teaching me and keeping me on my toes. I am in awe of your endless energy, and your adventurous spirit. We may not always agree (you are kind of a mini lawyer at times) but there will always be love. You my friend make me better, and want to be better and to continue to try to be better. I want to really be more present this year instead of worrying about an endless to do list as you are growing up way too fast!

Some of my favorite moments are the simple moments like driving belting out the lyrics to our favorite country songs. Gosh I love that you love country music :). Or our walks to and from school and having very epic dance parties along the way or the most beautiful chats. You really are sometimes so wise beyond your years. I also love your love of shopping specifically thrift shopping - one of my favourite rainy day activities with you.

You have a love of water like no one I have ever seen (you get that from your dad) You could spend hours on the dock watching the boats unload and reload from the car or spend the whole day swimming if you could and we have many times this summer. Sailing, swimming, paddle boarding, kayaking, boating and beach combing are all things that bring a smile to your face. 

You are a story teller and even though it’s hard sometimes knowing what’s true or not I love how descriptive and imaginative you are.

You are a sensitive soul like your mama and truly wear your heart on your sleeve like your mama. You feel things to your core and I want you to know that is ok just be kind to those around you when you do. You are also the sweetest and most thoughtful. You listen whole heartedly like insisting on buying your nana decaf green tea out of your money because she told you it was something she enjoyed drinking. Or even your birthday and Christmas wish to buy things for others and pets and not asking for anything for yourself. You have an uncanning ability to make friends anywhere we go which I am quite envious about. You are especially so caring to those who are younger than you.

You are a busy girl who wants to cram as much fun into one day as possible and doesn't like to see things come to an end but you also love quiet moments and could spend hours beside a bonfire. You have a beautiful mix of mom and dad that way.

As we go into this year keep being you my love. Be kind, help others, be polite and continue to stand up for yourself and others around you. Never judge a book by it’s cover my dear as everyone has a story that not everyone knows. I hope you never lose your zest and excitement for experiences and adventures it truly is contagious.

Continue to be magic and I will be there for you. I will always have your back.  Follow your heart and what makes your heart sing. Continue to dance like no one is watching :) You are you my love and there truly isn’t anyone else like you. We are so lucky.

Happy 8th birthday my love,

Love Mom