We have been busy dreaming and creating up a room for you. We finished painting your nursery about a month ago (and by we I mean your wonderful dad) and have been busy getting everything set up in preparation of your arrival. I (yes your mama is quite handy as well) put the shelves up a few weekends ago. We are waiting for the crib set and cushion set for the glider but are well on our way.

I can't wait to put you to sleep in your crib that your grandmother brought for you

and to read all the books your other grandma selectively choose including my favourite 'I love you forever' by Robert Munch while rocking you in the glider you grandpa purchased for you.

Your wardrobe is better than your mamas

and you have received plush toys from all around the world

You are seriously surrounded by so much love and they are all beyond excited to meet you, as are we :)